Do I really need a Mounting pattern ?
UPDATE: As of 2023 Mounting Install Patterns are provided free with every order!!
The first thing you need to know is that letters and numbers are not all the same size and I don't mean in just width. You may order 10" letters and find that some are 10" and some are 10.5". This can be confusing at first until you understand why that difference is necessary. First stop: Read why your letters are not all the same size It will enlighten you and prepare you for the next section.
So, you now know why you should not draw a base line and set your letters on it. Actually, that's not entirely true. If you have no round letters in the bunch and they are all capitals, double check by measuring them and if they are all the same size you can use a baseline. However, consider this set of letters:
or this set if lowercase are involved
Measure a flat top/bottom letter like an "E" and divide by 2. Using some masking tape lay out a center line on the wall where the top of the tape is the centerline of the letters. Now measure down and up from there to the distance of half the "E" and apply another length of masking tape making sure you keep it as straight as possible. For the top line the bottom of the masking tape is the upper dimension and for the bottom tape, the top of the tape is the lower dimension. Place letter "E" between tapes and it should fit between the tapes. Remove the center tape.
Kerning is the art of ensuring distances between letters are even. For this there are no rules. You use your eyes. This is the only time when a spacing tape for $10 is useful ! Without it you will need to make one by laying out the letters on the floor in a straight line. First, determine how long you want the line of letter to be. Mark that on the floor with masking tape. Now start laying down the letters sort of equally, at first then making adjustments as you go. When you are happy with the spacing, start marking the masking tape for the center of each letter and what letter it is.
Ok so now you have a spacing tape, take it to the wall and tape it underneath that bottom line. Now you can start placing the letters on the wall. Start with all the flat top/bottom letters. Tape each letter in place. Then add all the round letters "O C" etc positioning them so the float equally over the bounding tapes, centered on the flat letters. For letters that are only round on one end like a "U", the flat part aligns to the top masking tape, the round part to the bottom of the round letters.
Step back and admire. Adjust as needed. Use a small bubble level to make sure letters are not tilted. Now go ahead and glue or double side tape the letters to the wall. If using doubleside tape add small spots of clear silicon caulk to make sure the letters wont fall off if the tape dries out. Again use the level to keep letters plumb.
Once finished make final adjustments if possible and remove the tapes.