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The anatomy of a fabricated channel letter

Stainless steel halo lit channel letters
Channel Letters, Numbers and Logos
Top material considerations: stainless vs. aluminum.
Strength and weight: Stainless steel is far stronger than aluminum, but about 2.5-times heavier. If size and weight are not a consideration, stainless is more durable over the life of the sign. For larger signs, or where weight is a factor, aluminum is a proven performer.
Size range: Gemini’s precision fabricated stainless steel letters can be produced to your required size as small as 2” high, and depths up to 2”, and with our manufacturing technology — with very narrow letter strokes — down to 3/8”. Precision fabricated stainless steel letters are designed for applications up to 36” high. Aluminum fabricated letters start at 16” high and extend to as tall as ten feet! Larger letters and logos available as multiple pieces.
Material price: While raw material prices can vary and are affected by construction and finishing options, fabricated aluminum letters and signs are generally the most affordable choice from a material standpoint.
Corrosion resistance: While our alloy #5052 aluminum provides exceptional corrosion resistance and hardness, stainless steel offers the highest levels of corrosion resistance. In marine, coastal or harsh applications, our 316 stainless steel or titanium coated is advised.
Finish: Both metals can be painted standard or custom colors, but the rich beauty of brushed stainless steel cannot be duplicated. In addition, polished stainless offers a rich looking option for your true high end interior application.
The Stud Mount
About Installation Patterns